As of today, MCDC’s next round of grant-making has begun! These grants are for local community-based organizations (nonprofits), and can be for up to $30,000. Here are the sorts of thing the grants are meant to support:
- Support for community organizing to identify potential worker owned cooperative groups
- Workshop and education program development around the worker cooperative model
- Support for integrating the cooperative model into existing business or entrepreneurship training programs.
- Support for staff training and capacity building to help organize cooperatives
- Support for providing assistance to cooperative start-up groups.
If your organization has always wanted to help create jobs and fight inequality, here’s a great way to do it. We don’t expect you to have much experience with this — that’s kind of the point! We can help train you. Get all the details here!
The deadline to submit applications is April 18th. We look forward to reading yours!
For more information, contact Charity Schmidt.