As some of you may recall, MCDC has grants available for local non-profits, which we like to call “community-based organizations,” or CBOs, for short. We’ve already given out two over the last year.
As of now, the most recent version of the guidelines to apply for the grant is up on our website. By far, the most interesting change is that fact that the maximum amount CBOs can apply for has increased to $30,000.
So, what kinds of things might a CBO do with this money? Here are some examples…
- Support for community organizing to identify potential worker-owned cooperative groups
- Workshop and education program development around the worker cooperative model
- Support for integrating the cooperative model into existing business or entrepreneurship training programs.
- Support for staff training and capacity building to help organize cooperatives
- Support for providing assistance to cooperative start-up groups.
And there may be still other ideas we haven’t thought of. If any of these sound like something your non-profit would like to do, download the guidelines and take a look. If you like these ideas but don’t have much experience implementing them, we understand. Not many people do, and we’re looking to change that. We’ll work with you.
The deadline to apply for the grant is September 13th. We hope to hear from you by then!
As always, you can write us with your thoughts or questions at steve@social.coop.