
Start a worker co-op with MCDC’s help! And also come to the first Regional Rendezvous!

Worker cooperatives… … build skills, earning potential, and assets. … create meaningful change for communities affected by inequality. … are designed to improve on low-wage jobs through workplace democracy. To learn more, come to Co-ops 101! When: Wednesday, March 11th, 12-1:30 pm Where: Room 301, Central Public Library, 201 Mifflin St., Madison Plus: we’ll provide… Leer más »Start a worker co-op with MCDC’s help! And also come to the first Regional Rendezvous!

Upcoming MCDC presentations

First, please spread the word that our most RFP for community-based organizations has been released. There is up to $30,000 available per organization in this competitive process. Read more here. Now, on to our main announcement: our next Co-ops 101 presentation is in less than two weeks. And while we’re at it, here are the… Leer más »Upcoming MCDC presentations

The latest RFP for community-based organizations is out!

If you belong to a local non-profit or other community-based organization that wants to integrate worker-cooperative development into its work, you will want to download MCDC’s latest RFP. This is a competitive process for grants up to $30,000. It is not necessary for your organization to have done co-op development in the past — our… Leer más »The latest RFP for community-based organizations is out!

¡Se posterga la presentación de mañana!

Debido a unas complicaciones, se nos obligó postergar la presentación de mañana, “Una introducción a las cooperativas”. Les avisaremos de la nueva fecha lo antes posible. Disculpen la molestia. Due to certain complications, we have found it necessary to postpone tomorrow’s presentation, “Co-ops 101 in Spanish.” We will publicize the new date as soon as… Leer más »¡Se posterga la presentación de mañana!

Cómo formar una cooperativa con MCDC

English follows below. La Coalición de Desarrollo de Cooperativas de Madison (MCDC por sus siglas en inglés) es una iniciativa del gobierno municipal de Madison para crear cooperativas de trabajo que hagan frente a la desigualdad de ingresos y las disparidades raciales mediante la creación de trabajos sindicalizados y con salarios dignos. Somos un colectivo… Leer más »Cómo formar una cooperativa con MCDC